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Book Rec: Welcome to Adulting by JP Pokluda

“We'll trust God for our eternal salvation, but not trust him in the small details of our day-to-day life?”


Even in my 30s, this book provided lots of wisdom and new reflection. JP reminds us that who we are is not a temporary role, or what we’ve done or what we like to do. Who we really are, and the only identity that matters in the long run, is who we will be forever. As Christians we have eternal passports to heaven; we are simply living here on a visa. I think this book provides reminders and insights for us all, regardless of your stage of adulting.


Welcome to Adulting Book Summary

a man and woman peek out from the bottom of the book cover with *welcome to adulting on the cover

Every day, another Millennial becomes an adult. For many young people, the transition is a bumpy one, fraught with opportunities to make mistakes and bad choices. The clear expectations they had at home or in school are gone, and they may feel unprepared to face what comes next.


But sometimes we make it harder than it has to be. Combining entertaining stories from his own experience, insights from the Bible, and compelling evidence from research, "JP" Pokluda lays out a roadmap for how to navigate life as an adult, addressing topics like


- friendships and dating

- career and money management

- interpersonal conflict

- controlling anxiety

- recovering from addiction

- and discovering your purpose on this earth


Anyone struggling to find a footing in the world of adult life will welcome this witty, non-patronizing guide, Welcome to Adulting.


Discussion Guide for Welcome to Adulting

  1. When have you really looked forward to something only to find yourself disappointed after it actually occurred?

  2. What special tasks do you think God might have created you to do?

  3. Do you truly work as though you are “working for the Lord” (Col. 3:23)? How would your attitude at work change if you were?

  4. If someone was observing your life, would they say you trust in money or God?

  5. What unresolved conflicts are in your life right now that you want to deal with?

  6. What are you most worried about today? How can you grow in your ability to trust that God is in control?

  7. How can you commit to living the rest of your life on earth for eternity?

Want to learn more about eternal life? Check out Imagine Heaven by John Burke next.


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